My goal is to exceed your expectations!

Meet Dr. Bruno Capurro Soler

Hello! I am Dr. Bruno Capurro Soler, specialist in Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Traumatology.

MY HOME : I currently work at Ribera IMSKE Hospital - European Musculoskeletal Institute, Valencia, Spain. I`m the Head of the Hip Unit and Knee Consultant Surgeon.

My HEART: I am close and trustworthy, for me this is the only way for our doctor-patient relationship to become a doctor-friend.

For this I always seek to maintain an empathetic, close, proactive attitude and in search of the happiness of my patients. I am far from being a passive observer of your problems, I know that you come to me because you need help and I am a seeker of solutions to problems! I count on your energy to help you get better!


  • Be an agent of positive change in the scientific community, as well as lead and be part of high-performance teams motivated by the development and well-being of the patient.

  • Work in health services with a strong orientation towards achievement and compliance in favor of medical quality.

  • Maintain continuous learning and teaching to successfully perform requirements, as well as overcome the challenges of practicing as a surgeon.

My Approach:

I am a constant researcher, and faithfully believe that it is the best way to help our patients, evaluate our own results and thus achieve positive change in our society. I apply my thinking to solve problems that seem insurmountable or unthinkable, applying scientific methodology in a creative and strategic way.

I currently have several projects underway, among them my work with the Board Member of the Spanish Arthroscopy Association, and my passion for teaching surgeons from different countries. ​You can see all of them in the CV section and download the scientific articles below.

I invite you to meet me and solve your problems together!

Publications & Research

  1. Morphometric Study and Anatomical Variations of the Medial Ligament of the Talocrural Joint
    B. Capurro
    , A. Munjin , T. Prado Ceroni, A. Telias, R. Sepulveda, R. Moreno Toro , M. Valenzuela, A. Gines, J.C. Lopez. Foot and Ankle Surgery 22S (2016) 44–45. Download

  2. Estudio Morfométrico y Variaciones Anatómicas del Ligamento Talocrural Lateral.  Telias N, Alberto, Moreno T, René, Ibarra M, Carla, Giesen F, Laura, Capurro S, Bruno, Silva D, Paula, Sepúlveda P, Rodrigo, & Vega P, Eduardo. (2010). 

    International Journal of Morphology, 28(2), 503-508. Download

  3. The anatomy and isometry of a quasi-anatomical reconstruction of the medial patellofemoral ligament.
    Pérez-Prieto D, Capurro B, Gelber PE, Ginovart G, Reina F, Sanchis-Alfonso V,  Monllau JC.  Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2017 Aug;25(8):2420-2423. doi: 10.1007/s00167-015-3865-4. Epub 2015 Nov 18. PubMed. PMID: 26581363. Download

  4. Local infiltration analgesia adds no clinical benefit in pain control to peripheral nerve blocks after total knee arthroplasty.
    Hinarejos P, Capurro B, Santiveri X, Ortiz P, Leal J, Pelfort X, Torres-Claramunt R, Sánchez-Soler J, Monllau JC.  Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2016 Oct;24(10):3299-3305. Epub 2016 Jun 14. PubMed PMID: 27299450.  Download

  5. Iliopsoas abscess: a commonly fatal entity.
    Alías AJ, Capurro B, Estrada JA, Muñoz-Mahamud E, Combalía A. Int J Adv Jt Reconstr. 2019; 6(1): 21-23. Download

  6. Can skin crease 'bikini' incision diminish the rate of complications in direct anterior approach for total hip arthroplasty?
    Fernández-Valencia JA, Muñoz-Mahamud E, Tornero E, Capurro B, Alías A, Gallart X. Int J Adv Jt Reconstr. 2019; 6(2): 34-41. Download

  7. Anatomic landmarks for a safe arthroscopic approach to the deep gluteal space: A cadaveric study. 
    B. Capurro, M. Tey , A. Carrera, F. Marques, A. León, J.C. Monllau, F. Reina. “Int. J. Morphol., 39(2):359-365, 2021 Download

  8. Tendinopatía rotuliana: enfoque diagnóstico y escalas de valoración funcional. 
    F. Abat, B. Capurro, I. de Rus, A. Martín, J. Campos, G. Sosa. 
    Revista Española de Artroscopia y Cirugía Articular.  Vol. 28. Fasc. 3. Núm. 73. Septiembre 2021 DOI  10.24129/j.reaca.28373.fs2004023 Download

  9. Patellar tendinopathy: diagnosis by ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging. Conservative andsurgical management alternatives.  
    F. Abat, A. Martín, I. de Rus, J. Campos, G. Sosa, B. Capurro. Revista Española de Artroscopia y Cirugía Articular.  Vol. 29. Issue 1. No. 75. January 2022 DOI: 10.24129/j.reacae.29175.fs2002009 Download

  10. Removal of protruding screws in a painful total hip arthroplasty: A case report. 
    Vargas-Reverón C, Capurro B, Alías AJ, Muñoz-Mahamud E, Pifarré PT, Fernández-Valencia JA. Radiol Case Rep. 2020 Nov 5;16(1):103-107. doi: 10.1016/j.radcr.2020.10.048. PMID: 33204381; PMCID: PMC7649597. Download

  11. Outcomes of hip arthroplasty with concomitant hardware removal: influence of the type of implant retrieved and impact of positive intraoperative cultures. 
    Madariaga S, Vargas-Reverón C, Tornero E, Alías A, Capurro B, Combalia A, Fernández-Valencia JÁ, Muñoz-Mahamud E. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2020 Nov 25. doi: 10.1007/s00402-020-03692-0.  PMID: 33241448. Download

  12. Labral reconstruction with polyurethane implant,
    Marc Tey-Pons, Bruno Capurro, Raúl Torres-Eguia, Fernando Marqués-López, Alfonso Leon-García, Oliver Marín-Peña, Journal of Hip Preservation Surgery, Volume 8, Issue Supplement_1, June 2021, Pages i34–i40, Download

  13.  Hip Labral Reconstruction With a Polyurethane Scaffold: Restoration of Femoroacetabular Contact Biomechanics.  
    Capurro, B.,
    Reina, F., Carrera, A., Monllau, J. C., Marqués-López, F., Marín-Peña, O., Torres-Eguía, R., & Tey-Pons, M. (2022). Orthopaedic journal of sports medicine, 10(9), 23259671221118831. Download

  14. Polyurethane Scaffold vs Fascia Lata Autograft for Hip Labral Reconstruction: Comparison of Femoroacetabular Biomechanics.
    Capurro B,
    Tey-Pons M, Carrera A, Marqués-López F, Marín-Peña O, Torres-Eguía R, Monllau JC, Reina F. Orthopaedic journal of sports medicine, 2023 Feb 20;11(2):23259671221150632. doi: 10.1177/23259671221150632.   Download

  15. Physiology and mechanobiology of Tendon and Muscle tissue
    González, F. A., Garuz, A. T., Moraes, J. C., & Capurro- Soler B. (2022).. Rev. Esp. Artroscopia Cirugía Articular29, 3-12. Download

  16. Superior outcomes after arthroscopic treatment of femoroacetabular impingement and labral tears with closed versus open capsule.
    Tahoun MF, Lizano-Díez X, Capurro B, Pons MT. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2022 Dec 5. doi: 10.1007/s00167-022-07266-y. PMID: 36471028.   Download 

  17. Low-dose prophylaxis protocol for heterotopic ossification after hip preservation surgery in a sport participants cohort.  
    Olivero M, Capurro B, Reis-Campos P, Aprato A, Ayeni O, Chawla A, Larrainzar Garijo R, Marín-Peña O. SICOT J. 2023;9:27. doi: 10.1051/sicotj/2023024. Epub 2023 Sep 5. PMID: 37668540; PMCID: PMC10478760.        Download

  18. Endoscopic Partial Proximal Hamstring Repair.
    Capurro B
    , Fenn TW, Kaplan DJ, Larson JH, Nho SJ. Arthroscopy Techniques. 2023 Jun 12;12(7):e1075-e1081. doi: 10.1016/j.eats.2023.02.045. PMID: 37533921; PMCID: PMC10390821.  Download

  19. Open Gluteus Medius Double-Row Repair With Acellular Allograft Augmentation.
    Capurro B,
    Kaplan DJ, Fenn TW, Chapman RS, Nho SJ. Video Journal of Sports Medicine. 2023;3(4). doi:10.1177/26350254231180629 Download

  20. The Genitofemoral Nerve Is the Structure Closest to the Tendon Footprint and Is Most at Risk for Iatrogenic Injury During Proximal Adductor Longus Repair: A Cadaveric Anatomy Study. 
    Capurro B, Chapman RS, Kaplan DJ, Kazi O, Alvero AB, Holland TC, Rice M, Nho SJ. Arthrosc Sports Med Rehabil. 2024 Jul 2;6(5):100970. doi: 10.1016/j.asmr.2024.100970. PMID: 39534028; PMCID: PMC11551379. Download

  21. Proximal Hamstring Avulsion through Growth Plate: Case Report of an Innovative Solution with Early Return to Sports.
    Bruno Capurro,
    S. Gonzalez -Vonder Meden , W. Pizarro-Geraldo, E. Badillo-Pérez (2024) Journal of Pediatrics Research Reviews & Reports. SRC/JPRRR-193. Download

  22. Double Row Hip Abductor Reconstruction with Fasciae Latae Transfer for Severe Trendelenburg after Hip Arthroplasty.
    Capurro-Soler B, Pizarro-Geraldo W, Badillo-Pérez E, González-Vonder Meden S, Rivera-Mora O, García-Salas E, Vecchi F, Arguelles A. Journal Clininical Medicine. 2024 Oct 7;13(19):5964. doi: 10.3390/jcm13195964. PMID: 39408024; PMCID: PMC11477932. Download

  23. Advancing Recovery by Incorporating Physiological Insights into the Surgical Management of Chronic Proximal Rectus Femoris Tendon Avulsion. 
    Capurro-Soler, B.;
    Vecchi, F.; Badillo-Pérez, E.; Vazquez, J.; Ortega, A.; Pizarro-Geraldo, W.; Gambín, J.; Muñoz Criado, I. Physiologia 20244, 445-453. Download

  24. Artroplastia total de cadera en pacientes con ostomías digestivas: evaluación y resultados a largo plazo.
    B.Capurro-Soler, E. Muñoz-Mahamud1, E.  Badillo-Pérez , S.  González-von der Meden, A. Alias, L. Morata, J. Fernandez- Valencia. Acta Ortopédica Méxicana.  Aceptado Nov 2024. Pending final publication 

  25. Prótesis de cadera como tratamiento de las fracturas acetabulares en el adulto mayor.
    B. Capurro-Soler (PhD), M.Gidi, P Serrano, W Pizarro, S. González-von der Meden, M.Tey, A. León ,F.  Marques. Acta Ortopédica Méxicana.  Aceptado Nov 2024. Pending final publication.

Abstracts Publicados con. DOI 

  1. Post-traumatic acute hallux valgus: a case report.  B. Capurro, D. Perez-Prieto, C. Gamba, R. Mari, Molina, S. De Zabala, A. Gine ́s Cespedosa. E-Poster / Foot and Ankle Surgery 22S (2016) 80–104.     

  2. Morphometric study and anatomical variations of the medial ligament of the talocrural joint. B. Capurro, A. Munjin , T. Prado Ceroni, A. Telias, R. Sepulveda, R. Moreno Toro , M. Valenzuela, A. Gines, J.C. Lopez. Foot and Ankle Surgery 22S (2016) 44–45.

  3. Total Hip Arthroplasty as Treatment of acetabular fractures in the elderly. Spanish hip society congress abstracts. (2019). B. Capurro, M. Gidi, P. Serrano, M. Tey, A. Leon, F. Marques. doi:10.1177/1120700019870630    HIP International, 112070001987063.  

  4. Indication of Arthroscopic Hip Surgery in a Public Health Service. B. Capurro, M. Tey, A. Alias, F. Marques, A. Leon, J. C. Monllau. Spanish hip society congress  abstracts. (2019). HIP International, 112070001987063. doi:10.1177/1120700019870630